Finding Health Care Resources for People with Disabilities in Greenwood, SC

Able South Carolina (SC) is an organization that works to ensure equity, justice, and representation for people with disabilities. Their mission is to promote consumer-driven independence and pride in disability. At Greenwood Regional Rehabilitation Hospital, we provide rehabilitation services to individuals recovering from disabilities caused by injury or illness. Our goal is to help our patients regain their physical or cognitive abilities so that they can return home with the highest level of independence. The SC Works system offers a variety of workforce services in all 46 states.

It provides employers with the resources they need to select, hire, train, and retain workers. Additionally, SC Works centers and connection points across the state provide information on long-term care planning. The Regional Ombudsman for Long Term Care investigates and resolves problems or complaints affecting residents of nursing homes and residential care facilities. The State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) assists eligible participants in enrolling in the Extra Help Program (LIS) and Medicare Savings Programs (MSP). These programs pay for the Medicare Part B premium.

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control is responsible for promoting and protecting public health and the environment in South Carolina. The Ombudsman works to improve the lives of people living in long-term care facilities by educating residents and their families about long-term care and related issues, advocating for the protection of residents' rights, providing training and technical assistance to resident and family councils and facility staff, and coordinating efforts with other agencies interested in long-term care. The mission of the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is to boldly innovate to improve the health and quality of life of South Carolinians. Continuum of Care is a program in South Carolina that serves children with serious emotional or behavioral health diagnoses whose families need help to keep them in their homes, schools, or communities. At Greenwood Regional Rehabilitation Hospital, we understand that finding health care resources for people with disabilities can be a challenge. That's why we strive to provide our patients with access to all available resources in order to ensure they receive the best possible care. We are committed to helping our patients find the resources they need to live a healthy life.

We are proud to be part of a larger network of organizations dedicated to providing quality health care services for people with disabilities.

Stuart Tosch
Stuart Tosch

Passionate pop culture enthusiast. Infuriatingly humble social media enthusiast. Lifelong bacon junkie. Extreme twitteraholic. Extreme zombie advocate. Friendly internet junkie.

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